Wednesday, 27 October 2010

New Daft Punk

After a massively long break from producing new material, french electro heroes Daft Punk are making the soundtrack for the new Tron film.

Have to say i was sceptical at first but after seeing the preview of the film with their new song 'Drezzed' over it, i am already moist.

Check it out here...

Monday, 25 October 2010

WE'VE GOT A SHOW! Starting this friday ;)

Alrite alrite, someone seemed to like our demo and we've now a prime slot on fridays on Fresh Air Radio

8:00 - 9:30 on a Friday. BOOM!

It's gonna be chock-a-block of new tunes, mash-ups, bootlegs and mixes. Everyone needs to get on it!

Here's our demo...  

Juicy! Fresh Air Demo (Full Edit) by Ian Juicy!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Radio Demo. BOOM!

Although it has taken me absolutely ages to eventually get my act together to write on this blog, i felt it was the perfect time as Jack and myself have recorded and mastered our radio demo to hand in tomorrow. Only a few days late :/

Juicy! on thaa radio!

Here's a few tunes to wet your appetite :)

Felguk feat. Sporty O - 2nite (Original Mix)

Vato Gonzales - Badman Riddim - an absolute staple in any DJ set